Friday, March 20, 2009

Lush life

Can you imagine living here? Amidst 130 acres of emerald green farmland? And just look at that mist: Can you imagine waking up to a creeping mountain mist? Mara Jernigan can. She's the chef who runs a culinary retreat and guesthouse here, at Fairburn Farm in Vancouver Island's Cowichan Valley, where cooking courses run throughout the year -- from "Winter Vegetables" to spring's "The Whole Lamb", but one of these days I'm going to try one of her culinary boot camps (the next ones are May 12 -17 and June 2-6, '09), which I caught a taste of a couple of years back. You do everything from gardening to butchering, pasta making to baking, with the remainder of the time dedicated to visiting local producers (from mushrooming to roasting coffee beans), and then, one would hope, eating. 
Green acres, here I come.

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